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The Best Book Series For Elementary School Age Readers

The Best Book Series For Elementary School Age Readers

The Best Book Series For Elementary School Age Readers

Voracious readers alert! We can’t keep enough books on hand for reading hour at our house, and that’s why we thought we’d share our list of not only our kids favorites in the 6-11 age range, but their best friends favorites too!  Some we are showing in their complete collections (if available) only because we’ve found once our kiddos are into a book – they want to devour them all soon after and it’s generally cheaper to buy them as a set. That said, always do a one book trial run before investing in the complete collections.

The Best Book Series For Elementary School Age Readers
The Best Book Series For Elementary School Age Readers

Have favorites we missed in the list below? Add them in the comments section. We hope you find this list to be as helpful as we do! Some of these book sets are perfect for an advanced 6 year old, and some will be too complex for certain 11 year old’s – you know your child best! That said, worst case scenario, you hold on to a book for a year or two til they are ready for the content, OR you use the too advanced book for aloud bedtime reading.

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Image via Annie Spratt on Unsplash