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This One Goes Out To All The Step Parents

This One Goes Out To All The Step Parents

There’s historically been more ado of wicked Step Moms than wicked birth Moms. Not so in the age of blended families where many of our friends feel closer with their Step parents than their sometimes disappointing blood ones. Step parenting generally doesn’t get it’s due respect in the media, that is ’til this viral video from SoulPancake which we all fell for here at GGA HQ.

When blood fails (and even when it doesn’t) – the arrival of a Step parent can be a glorious thing. After all, nobody can ever have too much love. Especially kids!

What happens to a family after divorce and remarriage is not often spoken of plainly. SoulPancake brings together a beautiful blended family and gives them an opportunity to express how they feel about each other.

Try not to get misty-eyed watching this, then share with your favorite Step person:

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