Piles and piles of tiny broken crayons at the bottom of your crayon box accumulate and if you are a green Mom or Pop all you can think is.. what can I make with these? It seems a shame to throw them away!
SO.. craft!
Take the paper off all the tiny crayons, pop them all into cupcake liners and into your muffin tin and throw in the oven for 5 minutes (or until melted) at 450. Cool, remove from oven, pop out of liners and voila! Fun peanut butter cup shaped crayons that make cool rainbow shapes and colors! Rainbow crayons are better if you leave out the darker colors. We used too many browns and blacks and ours got a little goth. Next time I’d go more colorful. Either way, it was fun. And Panther loved the entire process – which was painless and mess and whine free. There he is below, replete with smoothie mustache leftovers, and his new fun crayons.
Another option: melt with candle wick in the center. Insta-candles. Here are the specifics if you are instruction crazy.
This smart Mom used silicone ice cube trays to make smaller crayons in a shape, so if you have those – try these!