Dallas-based entrepreneur Ari Nessel made his money in real estate development, and has now begun giving away a thousand dollars a day in individual grants. He’s funding changemakers and activists who are working to make the world – or just their own community – a better, more peaceful and more sustainable place. The Pollination Project believes in the power of ordinary people to do extraordinary things. They make grants to individual change-makers with an idea and a plan to make their community and their world a better place.
They give $1,000 seed grants to individual change makers, every day, 365 days a year.
They fund in a wide range of issue areas including environment, justice, community health and wellness, and arts and culture and place special emphasis on projects that are designed to bring forth an environmentally sustainable, socially just, spiritually fulfilling human presence on the planet.
All of our readers have a mission, go get your money honey.
They’re particularly looking for projects in early stages of development where a thousand dollars will go a long way in getting the idea off the ground.
So far they have funded a nun/nurse in a remote village in Ethiopia who distributes free water filters, seeds, and gardening supplies in her community; a California high school drama club who is producing workshops and performances to educate their peers on safe sex; an 18-year-old living in the Palestinian refugee camp of Arroub who is putting trash bins on the streets and beautifying the overcrowded camp; and a Texas psychologist whose program for young women recovering from eating disorders helps them rebuild healthy body image.
Learn more about what they do;
The Pollination Project: Seeding Projects that Change the World from The Pollination Project on Vimeo.