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Welcome The New Year By Torturing A Chicken!

Welcome The New Year By Torturing A Chicken!

Does that sound horrific and antiquated to you? If it doesn’t, you may need a trip to the mental ward.  Of all the hideous “religious” practices one could imagine, this one is particularly cruel and vile. Please join United Poultry Concerns for two demonstrations in Brooklyn to protest the sacrifice of live chickens in the ritual of Kapparot / Kaporos,  a custom practiced by some orthodox Jews right before Yom Kippur. Not mandated in the Torah or Talmud, it is estimated that 50,000 chickens are used in this ritual in Brooklyn alone, every year.   Please read A Wing And A Prayer for more information about the practice.


The Alliance To End Chickens As Kaporos hold demos in Crown Heights, Williamsburg, and Midwood, post online petitions, place print ads, place animated ads and even purchased a brief spot on a Times Square billboard.

This year, they are inviting the participation of sanctuaries and other animal groups and encouraging them to come with their banners to show that we stand together against this cruel and outdated practice. We realize it is difficult to attend a demo where animals are going to be tortured and killed (it’s one of the hardest things most of us have ever done), but as hard as it is for us, it is infinitely harder for the chickens, and we must be there to speak out for them and show that we care.

Participating in this campaign also leads to the broader discussion of the way chickens are exploited and tortured in our society, and it can be a bridge to promoting veganism. When people express horror (which most do) over images depicting what kaporos chickens go through, it provides an opportunity to point out that the chicken on their plate suffered no less.

Then please join us in speaking out against it. Let’s let the chickens know we are there for them.

See Also


  • If you can’t make the actual demo’s, please sign and share the petition encouraging the use of money, instead of chickens, in Kaporos.

In NY:

  • Protest the use of chickens in the ritual of kaporos on Sunday, September 23rd 4-6 PM and Monday, September 24th 6-8 PM on Eastern Parkway, between Kingston and Albany Avenues, diagonally in front of the Brooklyn Jewish Children’s Museum (792 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213).
  • Attend their fundraiser at Caravan of Dreams on September 23rdDetails here.