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Edible, Customizable, Eco Modular Furniture?

Edible, Customizable, Eco Modular Furniture?

Looking for a customizable and modular furniture system that is so eco-friendly it’s almost edible? The “sweet” new YUBE CUBE system is designed with panels made from compressed sugar cane fibers and a frame made from Woodlite, a non-toxic, mold-able plastic mixed with bamboo, the renowned renewable wood resource.  This clever modular furniture system adapts to our individual creativity.


And coolest of all, you design it to match your home.  The system can be easily designed using the online customizer and favorite patterns, custom colors or uploaded photos can even be added for truly unique home décor! You never have to sacrifice style for sustainability – this personalized cubic furniture system has both!  The customization options are endless, from bookshelves and desks to bedside tables and entertainment centers.  We likey.