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Challenge Yourself To A Yogathon!

Challenge Yourself To A Yogathon!

Do you really need a reason to get down for a few sun salutations? Now you can join over 100 studios, teachers, and yoga organizations from across the United States this June for The Peace by Peace Yogathon. This inspired event challenges you to practice as much yoga as you can for one month in support of bringing yoga into such diverse and dire settings as post conflict zones, HIV clinics, cancer treatment centers, shelters for battered women and abused children, prisons, nursing homes, addiction recovery centers and more. Just imagine giving the same gift of yoga that you so deeply treasure to someone living through such challenging life circumstances as these. What an amazing offering this would be!

Our (Vegan) Yogi Kendra Coppey

Participating in the Yogathon is Simple: You can register here in under 5 minutes. Upon registering, you will receive a personal fundraising web page where your friends and family can go to make donations in support of you! You can easily link the page to your facebook and twitter accounts with the click of a button as well. Delight in the experience of committing deeply to your personal transformation while supporting those in need to do the same..  what a simple and loving way to support others while supporting yourself!