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A Yogi Screws Up and Tells All

A Yogi Screws Up and Tells All

We all have days where we say something mean to someone we do or don’t love, eat the wrong food for lunch, and surf the net more than we work. Our favorite Boston Yogi, Deborah Spielman discusses her imperfections and what she does on the days where she royally f*cks up.

Oh to screw up..   Of course, we love the days that go so smooth, the days we fly on Angel wings, and wink and smile and play as we work. Love the days that feed off our fire, and build relationships on trust and engaging conversation with the gas man.   And then there are the days that are so tricky: because the way it seems to begin in earnest light hearted sleepy dreams of stargazing and lazing with lambs in fields takes a turn. A moment.   A thing.   An email.   And then, one realizes, that they’ve screwed up. Big.

My name is Deborah and I am Yoga Teacher and Ayuveda Practioner. But today I am not a rock star. I am a screw up. And I think I may be digging on it. Like a good poop, it’s just a tad bit revolting but absolutely vital to a healthy existence. Daily. That of course, the revolt is the most satisfying part of the experience. The revolt is the Ego, holding onto that which does not serve us anymore. The Ego is a Subtle Energy Body, which means it is tremendously powerful. That is what we forget or do not know yet: the Little Me is actually the Biggest Influence.

A yoga practice works much the same, of course: we are feeling righteous and then we walk into the room, lay on our mat, and we can not get a moment of joy in our flow. Our minds screaming out their material desires and wants: “I love that shirt! I want that shirt! She did not say that to me? Did she? No.. omg.. she did.. “And so on.   Hopefully, on those days, we get a moment of reprieve, after 45 minutes of sweat, and by the end- are we better than before? We are, certainly, MORE than we were before. And ready for more, for sure.

So what do we do: to be candid, we eat chocolate. Cacao. My favorites are Uli Mana Hemp Cacao Truffles, amazing!   Available online and worth every penny. Do we shop? Better- we consign. We give. I’ve been consigning my shaktified LA gems to the Boston area hotspots like SecondTimeAround on Newbury and Garment District in Cambridge.   Do we pray? Yes, we head to Horai San Book Shop in Brookline   to shop for Indian Deity Cards, engraved “Peace” and “Surrender” stones, and Chakra wall hangings to gaze upon and remember our Souls Dharma, our true Jiva essence.   And do we get cathartic and create? Hells bells we do! We write blogs, or journal, or make masterpieces in Vision Board Manifestation parties.

Screwing up can lead to the best moments in our lives. The humility is palpable. I can not escape this. The compassion is real. I truly misunderstood, made a mistake. And the inevitable outcome is at once gargantuan and yet a -blink -of- an- eye -small. Subtle Body. Gross Reaction.

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Deborah Spielman is a Boston based Power Vinyasa Yoga Teacher and Ayuveda (Vegan) Coach. She leads workshops and retreats all over the globe. Her intention is to connect to both the subtle and gross elements of her student’s innate wisdom, joy, and power through a uniquely inspired, co-creative yoga practice. You can contact her and connect with her through her website which she uses as a means to connect all those souls who dig and vibe on all things spiritually mindful, creative, and authentic.