Miss. Guy isn’t only a rock n’ roll, downtown legend… he’s also a dog lovin’ mush who says brilliant things like “Give me Cher, Bowie, and Elton!” (which we’d be happy to sport on our gravestone or spraypaint on our tits). Guy is not only a DJ who has been a mainstay at the hippest parties all over the world for over a decade (the most notorious being the never-to-be-repeated classic Squeezebox Party where you’d never come home without having had a one night stand and puking on the sidewalk), he also fronts the seminal hot filthy boy band Toilet Boys. Guy formed the band in 1995 as an opening act for a Debbie Harry performance to fulfill a “lifelong dream” of performing on the same stage as her. As most happy accidents, the band that was only intended to do one performance became a cool kid mainstay of 90’s rock culture. As lead singer of said band, Guy toured with everyone from Motorhead to The Ramones, where they spewed pyrotechnics and wore some of the hottest trashy outfits you’ll ever google. The Red Hot Chili Peppers personally asked the band to be their main support on a six week sold out arena tour in 03. Currently, this musical wunderkind is writing with Boy George and Deborah Harry, performing with his new band GoonSquad, and can be seen eating rice n’ beans in Chelsea. We reconnected with the fashion icon who gives good face (I mean, his make up is always the most perfect thing we have ever seen) at a Farm Sanctuary benefit last week and asked him a few questions about his glittering life;

GGA: Is rock n roll dead? If not, how are you keeping it alive?
Guy: I’m an optimistic person for the most part, so I never say something is dead in seriousness, but I do often feel that NY nightlife is dead at the moment. That doesn’t mean it’s over. It just means something needs to happen to shake it up, and I guess that’s how I feel about rock. What is definitely dead to me is celebrity culture. It’s at an all time low as far as I’m concerned. Who cares about these people. Give me Cher, Bowie, and Elton! These are the real stars! Deborah Harry has more excitement in her little finger than Britney, Paris and Lindsay combined. But I secretly like Britney.
Yea, we feel bad for her, but kind of want to brush our her weave and feed her organic sprouts. You were one of the superstars of 90’s downtown NYC – tell our youngster readers about those days – and how they differ from the Whole Foods era of the LES?
Well, you could be a part of the underground (in those days) and still get recognition in the mainstream. Now, if you’re not on the cover of Star magazine nobody knows or cares about you. It was fun in the 90’s, but I wouldn’t want to go back to those days. I live for the moment, and right now is the best time of my life!
You definitely are an optimist. Love that and couldn’t agree more. What is one thing you did today to better the world?
I didn’t drive a car for one thing! I always feel proud that I walk everywhere because I feel like I’m doing my part to save the environment. I also hung out with my super sweet dog which betters my world!
Favorite Food?
Japanese, Mexican, and Indian. I also love a simple salad with lemon, olive oil, and garlic.

Is there any malaise garlic can’t fix?! NYC can feel really stagnating if you’ve stayed too long at the fair. What are a few places in NYC that still make you feel alive and happy?
Just walking down the streets make me feel great! I love the parks too. I like the Cuban restaurant on 8th ave between 19 & 20 streets, it’s been there forever and the rice & beans are delicious!
Someone asked me the other day in an interview who I’d want to meet, and I realized I’ve met most of the people I’ve looked up to. Who do you look up to that you have met, and who have you yet to meet?
I’ve met some great people in my life. Debbie Harry is a good friend, and I’ve always been a big fan of hers. She the epitome of New York cool. I still want to meet Bowie. I’ve had several chances to go up to him and meet him, but it didn’t feel right. I won’t just run up to someone because we’re at the same party. I’ll meet him when it’s the right time.
Tell us about a moment in your life where you felt pure bliss:
I’ve had many moments on tour with Toilet Boys when we’d be onstage. It’s pure bliss to be with my dog.
What’s next on the agenda for you?
I’m really excited about my new band GoonSquad. I think there will be another Toilet Boys tour in 2009 after 6 years of not playing, and that will be fun. As long as I have friends, music, and travel in my life, I’m happy.