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Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

The world is currently feeling pretty unsafe for many of us right now, in particular in big cities. The country and suburbs have been my own personal salve, but everyone has their own chosen cocoon. I found my happy place during covid using a brilliant company named Suburban Jungle – which gets to know you (FREE OF CHARGE!) and recommends the best place for you to move to. It’s a genius concept that I recommend everyone I know take full advantage of.  I love the company so much that I wrote an article about them for Business Insider a few years ago that went viral! (READ IT HERE)

I hear so many friends say they are ready to leave NYC, SF, LA (fill in the blank city!) but “I’m single – where should I go?” or “My kids need special services at school” or “I’m addicted to my hairdresser, I can’t leave!” I promise you – there is a pot for every lid and a ‘burb for every bombshell! Suburban Jungle can and will help you. It’s easier than you think.

So how does Suburban Jungle work? When you’re ready to start your search, schedule a free chat with a Suburban Jungle strategist. SJ strategists are lifestyle experts (many of whom are our friends – hey besties!) who are familiar with the 500+ suburban towns commutable to NYC (as well as Boston, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Chicago, DC, Florida, San Francisco, and many more desirable areas.) They truly take the time to understand what your family is looking for and design your search strategy based on your priorities: top-tier schools, lively downtowns, community events, walkable areas, whatever it may be.

Finding the perfect town to raise your family is no easy feat and can feel so overwhelming you may just sink back into your apartment cave.  There are so many factors to consider, from the school districts to the neighborhood culture. When you move into a new home, you move into a community. And Suburban Jungle is ready to help your family settle into the right community. Don’t get defeated – get motivated!

<>Leaving the city and heading into the suburbs can feel like a big leap. You can always renovate your home, but you can’t change the town. But doing your own research on the many suburbs near NYC can be overwhelming and time consuming.  We promise you, you won’t regret at least having a call with a Suburban Jungle expert and visiting a few lovely, bucolic spots outside of the city for the day. Worst case, you had a day trip  – best case, you don’t have to smell stinky garbage on your walk to work anymore, and you love your new life as much as I love mine. Feel free to ask me any questions about how much my family loved working with Suburban Jungle!How it works: Based on your unique needs and preferences, your strategist will create a list of must-see towns for you to go visit. They’ll provide personal guidance through each step of the town search process– kicking off with the initial strategy session, planning town tours, and providing insight and counsel throughout the course of the search.

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It’s never too early to start your suburban search. Whether you’re actively looking to move or just browsing for the future, SJ can meet you where you are. Ready to start your home search journey and find the perfect town for your family? Reach out to Suburban Jungle today and schedule a free consultation with an expert today!

This was a sponsored post by our friends at Suburban Jungle