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Exclusive: Fashion Hook Up Of The Day

Exclusive: Fashion Hook Up Of The Day

This private invitation to Shop It To Me is the best thing to happen to you today.   You’re old hat at knowing all the best eco clothing brands, but a little “green” when it comesto finding them on the cheap. Being eco-chic just got a lot more wallet-friendly with Shop It To Me. You may have heard us sing its praises before, but Shop It To Me is really the best service out there for finding great deals on your favorite eco fashion.

Choose all the eco clothing brands you love, including labels like John Patrick Organic, Matt & Nat, OlsenHaus and more. Then get personalized sales in your size, 40 – 70% off. Can’t beat that with a bat!

Did we mention it’s free? So go join now!


Make sure to click the “All Brands” tab during sign up to see the full list of eco options!

See Also

Eco fashion brands include: Alternative Apparel, Edun, Loomstate, Matt & Nat, John Patrick Organic, Stella McCartney, OlsenHaus, Cri De Coeur, Lulu Frost, Park Vogel, Melie Bianco, Jonano, Gabriela Artigas and Josh Jakus.

For more style and eco updates, you can follow Shop It To Me on Facebook and Twitter.