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30-day Health Challenge!! PLUS: Win FREE training sessions!

30-day Health Challenge!! PLUS: Win FREE training sessions!

We Challenge YOU…. to challenge yourself.   September is here and we all know what that means – put down the BBQ and the Sangria, and get that Fall bod in tip-top shape! Who said summer is the only time to feel good inside and outside?

No need to have commitment phobia or dole out cash galore at some weight loss site.. this time around – we’ve got our very own Kendra Coppey and the Barefoot Tiger team behind us, and they are doing it for FREE.   That’s right, kittens.   Let’s get fit and feel good about our bodies togeths, like BFF’s should!   It’s amazing what we will accomplish in a Month.

This Fall, Kendra is challenging the Girlie Girl Army cadets to a 30-day Healthy Blitz!


The best part? The winner of the competition (the cadet with the best results) will receive a f*ree training or yoga session (worth way more than your favorite heels) with Kendra and a Barefoot Tiger t-shirt!

Use Barefoot Tiger’s simple online system to track your progress (all gratis!) and watch your bod transform.

Of course, the Barefoot Tiger crew will be behind the scenes and can see exactly what you are entering online….how’s that for accountability? You can also join the ’30-day’ discussion group to get support from your fellow blitzers, and to see how they’re doing too.

  1. Sign up for the challenge by emailing Kendra: with your intended start date and goal.
  2. You will receive a system login via email (if you don’t already have one).
  3. Sign in and get started! You can upload current pictures, measurements and weight, as well as goal measurements and weight. The system tracks it ALL for you!
  4. Forward this email to 3 friends and get ready to change your lives together over the next 30 days.
  5. Have the best results from the challenge by October 30th, 2009 and you’ll get a f*ree session with Kendra and a sweet tee!

A few questions we’ve been asked:

Do I have to start on a specific date?

Nope! Start whenever you’d like – we’ll track 30 days from your first day.

When does the challenge end?

We’ll choose the winner on October 30th, so make sure you start by October 1st!

See Also

What should I do for my challenge?

Anything you want! Here are some ideas: Track your food for 30 days. Commit to working out at least 3 times a week. Do yoga every day for a month (even if it’s just 10 minutes, it counts!). Commit to working out 20 minutes every day. Meditate every day for 5 minutes. Be realistic! And if you get stuck, we’re here to

~~~~~~ CHEAPSKATE ALERT!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~

To sweeten the deal even further, Kendra is offering some crazy great discounts on sessions (in the NYC area) for everyone who participates in the 30-day challenge. It’s a great way to get your new habits in place!

~ Two boxing sessions for $140** ($70 /session, a 63% discount!)
~ Two life coaching sessions for $170 ($80 / session, a 15% discount!)
~ Two in-home personal training, yoga or pilates sessions for $150** (a $70 savings!)

** Only valid in-home and in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Make sure you mention ’30-day challenge’ when booking sessions.   Learn more about Barefoot Tiger here.