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5 Ways To Help Your Local Public School During The Summer

5 Ways To Help Your Local Public School During The Summer

5 Ways To Help Your Local Public School During The Summer

Public schools in the United States survive on their PTA donations, which is something you may not know if you don’t have children or have children that go to private school. Most public schools don’t have funding for daily recess, music, art, science and computer supplies, new books, and so many more things you may take for granted.  You don’t need to be a parent to care about public school education, and you don’t need to be a parent to want to help.  Without outright donating money, which not every public school parent may have the ability to do, here are five ways to help while school is out:


This list came from NYC public school PS 267 aka East Side Elementary, we loved the tips so much, we had to share!

1. It’s Hip to Clip –  Box Tops can be found on many consumer goods and products. Once you see what they look like, you’ll recognize them on all your favorite foods and household items. Cut or rip out the logo, place in a ziplock bag or envelope, add your child’s name and bring to your school in September. Ask your family, friends and neighbors to clip them too! No kids? No problem. We all have a friend with a child in public school – give your box tops to them or mail or drop off at your local public school.

BoxTops Earn Cash For Public Schools
BoxTops Earn Cash For Public Schools

2. Amazon Smile – If you or anyone you know shop on Amazon, use Amazon Smile, which is exactly the same thing as Amazon, except that the charity of your choice will receive 0.5% of purchases!  Each time you shop, go to and you will raise money for your charity of choice or public school!

AmazonSmile is normal amazon, but it gives a % of your purchases back to the charity of your choice!
AmazonSmile is normal amazon, but it gives a % of your purchases back to the charity of your choice!

3. Label Daddy – Perfect for camp and school, Label Daddy’s are personalized, peel & stick, super-durable labels that safely go in the laundry, dishwasher and microwave. Use your school’s code (e.g: PS267) and earn money for your school.

See Also
How To Help Our Brothers & Sisters In Need Tips & Reasons For Support, From Charity Founder

Label Daddy labels for camp or school so your stuff doesn't get lost!
Label Daddy labels for camp or school so your stuff doesn’t get lost!


4. Community partners –  PS 267, for example, has a loyalty program with NYC grocery store Fairway – 3% of purchases goes to the school. If your school doesn’t have a community partner, consider asking local merchants to plan a give back program with your school or charity. It’s a win/ win because the merchants get new business and give back to the community. They are usually very happy to comply.

Ask your local store if they would consider partnering with your favorite school or charity and give a % back in exchange for blasting out their info to your community!
Ask your local store if they would consider partnering with your favorite school or charity and give a % back in exchange for blasting out their info to your community!

5. Schoola – Send in your gently used mens/womens/kids/baby clothing, bags, shoes, coats to Schoola in any old box or bag, free of charge, and once it sells, your school will get a percentage of the sale. Click here for a mailing label.

Schoola gives your school cash for your old stuff!
Schoola gives your school cash for your old stuff!