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Happy Pills In Your Inbox (& A Free Cookbook!)

Happy Pills In Your Inbox (& A Free Cookbook!)

Balance. Let’s face it – you need it. Between crazy work hours, trying to go green, and life in general, how could you possibly find balance?

Enter The Well Daily, one of our favorite new daily emails.

The Well Daily is the busy person’s go-to guide for health and happiness – featuring tried and true tips for personal and planetary health, from women who’ve been there.

Here’s the scoop: Sukey inadvertently developed The Well Daily’s signature approach for finding balance (and hence true happiness) on a quest for better health… and to lose 50 postpartum pounds. Seeing Sukey radiate, Jackie – a recovering investment banker –tried out this signature approach to health & happiness. Jackie is now The Well Daily’s poster child because it worked wonders on Jackie’s stress levels… and her skin, which now seems to defy gravity. And rumor has it that  Sukey & Jackie – recognizing that a green lifestyle is also important to the “living in balance” equation – have recruited Jen Boulden, of Ideal Bite fame, to the crew.

Want fresh ideas for a happy, healthy and sustainable lifestyle, delivered daily via email – free? All you need to do is sign up.

Go on now, and tap the Well!

P.S. Sign up today and you’ll receive a free copy of The Well Daily kale cookbook!