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What is Water Kefir? Move Over Kombucha!

What is Water Kefir? Move Over Kombucha!

Raw foods expert and maker of the worlds most delicious raw, vegan, organic chocolate bars, Gabrielle Brick gets us hip to the Water Kefir craze;

What is Water Kefir? They weren’t joking when they spoke about turning water into wine! Well, actually more like champagne! That’s right, Water Kefir is delicious AND there are incredible health benefits!!! A friend of mine turned me onto this luscious drink, that some call a way of living, when he began serving me this cocktail that had me feeling like I was drinking something from the Greco-Roman times.   I began to witness my body’s reaction to this Divine Elixir, and felt like a Goddess being fed grapes by handsome shirtless men!

It’s easy Chickens, get yourself an air tight glass container, buy the fixin’s, and turn an ordinary glass of bubbly into a cocktail that will have your body purring like a fine Jaguar!



  • 1 Gallon Purifed Water
  • 1 small cotton tea bag
  • 1 Tablespoon Kefir Crystals
  • 12 Black Mission Dried Figs – quartered
  • 1 Cup Flame Raisons
  • 1 inch of Ginger, sliced thinly
  • 4 Lemon Wheels


Place Kefir Crystals in cotton tea bag and submerge into above liquid! That simple! You can buy crystals  HERE. Organic Cotton Tea Bags can be purchased  HERE . Place all ingredients in air tight glass container and let infuse for 5 days…. sweet and subtle your bubbles will be… pour into your favorite glass and enjoy!

Kefir comes from the Turkish word “Keif” which means “good feeling”.  Kefir is a polysaccharide structure where several   non-pathogenic, but friendly or healthy bacteria and yeast live in symbiosis   ¹ . Kefir grains are HIGHLY sensitive. ONLY EVER use plastic or cotton to strain the grains from mixture. Metal is potentially harmful to the culture and should be avoided!

See Also

What are some of the health benefits of this tasty beverage, you ask? Kefir works by regulating the body, thus helping it become healthier. Water kefir has been known to regulate blood pressure and aid in weight control! In addition to being known to aid in such disorders as internal  ulcers, kidney problems, anemia, eczema,  dermatitis, and abdominal feminine discomfort , Water Kefir is an amazing intestinal purifier! When we have intestines that function optimally, we find that most of our disorders, go away! Remember, what shows up OUTside is a direct result of what’s happening on the INside! One will only need 8 oz’s a day  to feel the benefits! For more severe disorders, see this  CHART for the amount to drink on a daily basis.

Who else LOVES water kefir?? Children and our furry family members! This online mini book(free to download online) provides you with zonks more information; including more recipes, how to care for your kefir cultures and more! Drink up!! References: ¹ , here.

Gabrielle Brick has been living the raw super food lifestyle for over 7 years.   She has studied, worked, and co-created with the leading authorities in optimal nutrition with over 15 years in health and vitality.  She teaches internationally on the benefits of optimal nutrition, including seminars, private & group consultations, retreats and academic presentations.  Gabrielle was also featured recently on E! as the go-to on raw nutrition. The GirlieGirl Army can’t live without her handmade, organic, raw, perfect chocolate bars. Buy them, book private nutritional sessions, and learn more about raw living here.