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Raw Fruit Pie

Raw Fruit Pie

Raw Foods Glamazon Gabrielle Brick prepared a raw fruit pie for one of her private clients yesterday, and we begged her to share the recipe.   Not being one to resist our charms, she hooked us up stat.   Phone photo, and all.

Talk about yummy!!! Normally with my clients I come prepared with recipes and food. However, every so often I like to surprise them and simply show up! Why? Because it allows us to be creative! So… with two ripe banana’s, a box of strawberries and some walnuts, this is one of the many dishes we were able to create today!


  • 1 Cup Walnuts (soaked for 1/2 hour)
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract
  • 1 Tbl Agave

Strain walnuts and rinse. Blend ingredients in cuisinart until sticky. Press crust into pie plate and put aside.


  • 2 Ripe Bananas
  • 1/2 Lb Strawberries
  • 3 Tbl Coconut Oil
  • 1 Tbl Currants

Blend bananas and coconut oil in cuisinart until creamy and pour into pie plate. Next chop strawberries in cuisinart so as to get a chunky jam. Pour over banana cream. Garnish with currants. Place pie in fridge for two hours to set. Serve and enjoy!

See Also

Remember, we ALWAYS have enough! All we have to do is look and use our creativity!

Guest Blogger Gabrielle Brick has been living the raw super food lifestyle for over 7 years.   She has studied, worked, and co-created with the leading authorities in optimal nutrition with over 15 years in health and vitality.  She teaches internationally on the benefits of optimal nutrition, including seminars, private & group consultations, retreats and academic presentations.  Gabrielle was also featured recently on E! as the go-to on raw nutrition. The GirlieGirl Army can’t live without her handmade, organic, raw, perfect chocolate bars. Buy them, book private nutritional and cooking sessions, and learn more about raw living here.

If being raw gets our bods anything like Gabrielles... we are in!
If being raw gets our bods anything like Gabrielle’s… we are in!